Discover What's missing in your relationship with your dog and learn to communicate with startling ease. Working towards having a Crisis Response, Therapy, Service, SAR, Agility, Nosework, Trieball, Herding, Flyball, or Just Living with My Best Friend Dog
having a Crisis Response, Therapy, Service, SAR, Agility, Nosework,
Trieball, Herding, Flyball, or Just Living with My Best Friend Dog? All
these jobs are more consistently successful when done by truly
cooperative teams.
The most effective teamwork is realized when all involved harmonize
their contributions and work towards a common goal.
You Are One
away from having the most dynamic, consistent, safe, cooperative
relationship you have ever had with a dog!! Don't miss this life
changing opportunity for your dog AND yourself!
Instead of
your dogs how about learning to teach them to make sound, safe
decisions on their own?
Move beyond training, tricking, clicking, managing and coercing to
building a new, cohesive, relationship with your best friends through
two - way communication, cooperation and respect.